Arches LARP
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This is a one time buy when you start  game, to gain the next level it must be done in game\

Levels will be split into these 6 and put on the challenge card

You have 3 points to buy things with, you can hold off with buying but you won't be able to buy once you start game, unless you get someone to teach you then you can put up to 1 point into the skill you are learning (so it will be being taught 1 level + skill point you held onto  = level 2 of skill ) won't work for priest or magic user or cyborg/robot

You can only buy up to level 4 for all the skills, with the exception for magic/cleric which can be bought up to level 3 and priest which can be bought up to level 2


You should use you character history to decide which Skills your character would have



Jack of all trades

Magic user









Tech (computers physics etc)


You know how things fit and work together, like an engine


Simple- wheels, pulley simple technology simple engines

Advanced – simple computers

Complex –more advanced computers, cars

Super-Tech starting about the microprocessor 2000-2500)

Alien -tech originating from alien ex anti gravity

Future -tech that has yet to be the possibilities are endless



Science (chemistry, biology etc.)

Simple 1 (Boiling water, simple chemistry)

Advanced 2 (more complex chemistry, able to analyze more complex solutions and with proper equipment, are able to see what it’s made of)

Complex 3 (Grow bacteria make complex pharmaceuticals)

Super 4 (Super science shrink rays, under water breathing pills are just some examples)

Alien 5 (challenges involving alien science)

Future 6 (science that can’t even be imagined by the normal human, yet)


Jack of all trades

Fix, make things, lock pick, repair if something is needed, and you’re the guy to do it


Simple 1 (i.e. simple locks, Simple armor etc.)

Advanced 2 (i.e. more complex locks)

Complex 3 (i.e. electronic locks)

Super 4 (i.e. Super science locks)

Alien 5 (i.e. Alien locks)

Future 6 (i.e. Locks of the Future)


Magic user/Clerics-

There are 6 titles that can be gained, as your mana level will vary with others of the same title. Someone who’s holds a title higher than you may have less mana. this is because a title is measured in how wise you are, not by how much power you have, though by the time you have gained the last title your powers may challenge those held by the gods of old. (to start you can only buy up to level 3)






Grand Master

Transcendent/ Godhood



Knowing the body, how it works


Simple 1 you can stop someone from bleeding and you can set a broken bone, you know enough to be able to perform first aid on someone, i.e. putting bandage on [first aid can be known by anyone who knows about pressure on a wound]


Advanced 2, you’re ready for some surgery; you can fix a broken heart or a pump a stomach [removing bullets among other things]


Complex 3 doctoring all the knowledge of the modern day body and medicine [you can do advanced surgery such as brain surgery or anything major]


Super 4 super you've seen things, things many people would run away from, with all the possibilities of super science and the body there’s nothing you can't fix [any challenge relating to super powers]


Alien 5 introducing the body to foreign chemicals and advancement, and even knowing how the body works for different species [for challenges other than species other than human]


Future 6  futuristic knowledge of the body , how it’s going to mutate, stopping it and reversing it and pretty much you can play God [for any challenges that are pretty much you getting to play god]



You know people and animals, how they move, and knowing why they move in that way


Simple game

Large game

Self-aware game

Game that is considered to be self-aware and “smart”

Alien game

Master, there is nothing you can’t track, you’ve mastered the art of hunting




1 You can heal once a day in name of god also can give defense + one attack

2 see spirits, Bless item, able to turn a creature

3 gain a lesser ability of god

4 Miracle

5 Communicate with god Gain Greater Ability

6 Wish Full use of gods powers, but only once





Automatically get if your a cyborg/robot


Ever cyborg or robot needs electricity or energy to keep all his or her parts working. Once all your points have been used up you will 1 of 2 things depending on what you are, cyborgs will have their cyborg parts cease to function, making those locations heavier,  so any limb that has it can't be used to attack only defend. Now for Full robots all your parts cease to function. You are now powered down and need to be plugged into a power source in order to star working again.


You use 1 point every hour to stay powered so keep track




Electricity Points


Based on how much of body is robotic


To determine how many E points you have follow this

All the perks have a location that you will be required to be robotic in some way. Check them out and determine what area you wish to have be robotic/cyborg implant

Each limb location is worth 15 points, while the torso and head equal 20 points. Altogether this is 100 points

To be a cyborg you must be under 2/3 mechanical or 66% , so less than 66 points

If you go over you are now considered to be a robot, and since most of your parts are no longer organic it’s had to keep the soul there on its own, and often the soul (spirit) has left


example of some powers you will have access to


Energy Blast (Part: any) (Bean Bag Blue) 1 pt damage (cost 10e)

Repair [Part: Head] (Knowledge on how to repair yourself tools needed assuming you don't have internal damage to vital functions you can repair yourself, must have in order to use the perk self-repair) [Part: Head]

Electrical Shock [Part: One arm](Zap touch) (cost 5e)

Overcharge [Part: Any](all 100% of your electrical points need at least 25 points to start process) Destroys an electrical (Computer) Device  with chips

Super Beam [Part: Arm torso] Deals 3 points of change to location (cost 20e)

Light (at will as long as you have E-points) (Part: Any)


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