Common Jack of all trades Skill Challenges
Challenge [Repair Armor] , ( Requirements Jack Level = or greater than armor level,1 Structural resource (resource must be of appropriate type),10 minutes per point being repaired )(can only be fixed up to advanced) plus 1 structural resource such as scrap metal, Crit Success: Your Structural Resource hasn't been destroyed, you get to keep it. Success: Armor is repaired, Fail: armor is,not fixed Crit Fail: Armor is considered broken
(If you are in a work shop then the challenge is still 10 a point but no resource is needed for simple armor, advanced armor, complex armor and modern armor)(Advanced and Futuristic armor will have a special challenge)
Challenge [Fixing Broken Armor] (20minutes) Critical Success/Success it gets fixed to 1 point of armor then normal repair armor rules apply (except for simple armor, no additional challenge is needed when it is destroyed) Failure armor is still broken, Crit Failure armor is Destroyed and no longer considered armor and you now have 1 scrap metal
Challenge [Tear apart] (5 minutes) Crit Success see gm: Success: Gain 1 sr Fail: item is destroyed, Crit Fail: see gm
Challenges [Lock pick] (Lock level X 4minutes, Lock pick set ()) there will be phys rep lock that can be picked with a set, if the lock i not picked by the time the challenge is done then make a draw.Crit Success: Lock can be unlocked and lock at will Success: Lock is open Fail: failed to pick lock , Crit Fail: See Gm
Most locks pick or tear apart challenge will have a challenge card with it
Challenge [Gun Calibration] (req jack 2) (can be done once an hour ) (5 minutes) Crit Success : next 2 shots bypass armor Call Penetrate Success: next shot bypasses armor Call Penetrate Fail: next shot is a dud, (call dud when firing), Crit Fail: gun is jammed, takes 1 minute after finding out to fix (rp fixing.)