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Common Doctoring skill challenges

Level 1-4 doctor can only be done to person that is the same race as you (Except for first aid)

Special Rules, First aid can be taught to a non doctor, to do this a doctor or someone who knows first aid must show the person who wishes to be know the skill. on a live patient.


 Level 1 Simple You can stop bleeding from edged wound or fix broken bone with blunt please use phys reps bandages

Challenge [First aid] Target is injured from Edged wound (Requirements Doctor Level 1, One Minute, bandage) During challenge Death count is stopped Crit Success: Time for performing Healing edged wound challenge -1 minute and time for wounds to heal will be 1/2 , Success: wounds are stabilized will heal naturally in 1 hour, Fail: wounds are not stable, Wound count continues , Crit Fail: wounds are unable to be naturally healed, wound can still be stabilized but requires complex surgery to fix

Challenge [First Aid Gunshot] (Req Doctor Level 1, one minute per bullet, Bandage) During challenge death count is stopped,Crit Success, wounds are stabilized and bullet are no longer inside body, wounds are to be treated as an edged based wound now, bypassing the removing bullets challenge   Success: Wounds are stabilized, Fail: wounds are not stabilized continue wound count, Crit Fail Death count is now 1 minute less & for surgery (removing bullets challenge) the bullets should be considered doubled (ie that challenge time is now doubled)

Challenge [Healing edged wound] (Doctor 1, 5 minutes, stitching implement) Crit Success: wounds will be healed in 10 minutes: , Success: wounds are cured in 30 minutes, Fail: wounds are no longer stabilized and will continue to bleed, Crit Fail: Something went Horribly Wrong Wounded area will need complex surgery to be fixed,  the area can be used for the next hour as if it was fixed, But at the end of the hour will need surgery.

Challenge [Healing Blunt wound] (Doctor 1, 5 minutes splint) Crit Success : Bones were set properly will be healed in 20 minutes Success: Bones were set properly, will heal in 1 hour Fail: wounds fails to be healed, patient is in too much pain to allow bone must be set wrong, wait 5 minutes before challenge can be attempted Crit fail:  Bones "done got mixed up" and were set wrong this is immediately noticeable, will require a complex surgery to fix.


Level 2 Advanced You can Perform Surgery to Remove Bullets

Challenge [Removing Bullet]  (Req Doctor 2, 5 minutes per bullet, knife and tool for removing bullet(s)) Crit success:  , All those pesky bullets are out, area will be healed in 10 minutes Success:  area will be healed in 30 minutes , Fail: must of missed one retry but challenge time 1/2 , Crit Fail: Whoops You did more Damage then that bullet that failed to be removed Challenge needs to be done again but first the are is now an edged wound and bullette wound  and needs to be stabilized before you can continue (Do one first aid challenge with both edged wound time + bullet wound time)

Level 3 Complex, complex Surgery

Challenge [Fixing a Mistake] (Doctor 3, 30 minutes Surgery tools and must of been created by crit fail fixing wound) Crit Success: Wounds are completely fixed after post surgery down time 5 minutes (cannot participate in any strenuous activity)  you gain 2 points temporary natural armor to this location Goes away used or end of event , Success: wound is fixed , post surgery down time of 10 minutes (cannot participate in strenuous activity), Fail: surgery was a failure, 10 post surgery downtime of 10 (no participation in strenuous activity) afterwards surgery can be attempted again (if failure again post surgery downtime is doubled) , Crit Fail: , It appears that the surgery was a complete botch (post surgery down time is 10 minutes) your wounds seemed to have gotten infected see gm, surgery can be attempted again (if crit botched again see gm)

Level 4  Super Challenges that are specific to super powers

Unknown Challenges at this time

Level 5 Alien

Challenge [Alien Surgery] can perform any of the level1-3 doctor tests on an unfamiliar creature, (test will be as if you have that Doctor Level 2 for Simple and Advanced Challenges and Doctor Level 3 for Complex  Surgery Challenges)

Level 6 Futuristic

Challenge [Identified Alien Surgery] can perform any of the level1-3 doctor tests on an unfamiliar creature, (test will be as if you have that Doctor Level 4 for Simple and Advanced and Complex Doctor Challenges)

For Cyborgs or life forms that are not entirely organic

All Challenges (except for first aid) Must be done with the corresponding tech challenge to fix. (therefore performing the action will need doctor and tech of appropriate challenge level (ie Level2 Removing bullet Will Require Doctor2 and Tech 2, but for challenge purpose will follow doctor success/fail list)


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